May Half term Pizza School

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Welcome to May Half Term Pizza School!

Come join us at Romford Shopping Hall for a fun-filled morning of pizza making! We will teach you the art of creating the perfect pizza. From shaping the dough to choosing your favorite toppings, you'll learn it all!

Whether you're a pizza enthusiast or just looking for a unique activity during the half term break, this event is perfect for anyone age 5 or over. Bring your friends and family along for a delicious and educational experience!We will play some games too!

£12 per child. This is not JUST for the kids - if adults would like to get creative purchase a Adult Pizza Ticket for you too! These are £15 if you would like to join in or £2 just to attend. Don't miss out on this opportunity to impress your friends and family with your homemade pizzas! Over 5 years only PLEASE 1 adult to 1 child to help. Thank you NB we are unable to cater for food allergies at this event. Sorry

Spaces are limited, so be sure to book your spot now. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a pizza-making pro! book here